If you are not receiving regular monthly communications from the ASSP Alabama Chapter here are a few suggestions which may help.
Using your work Email? – Over 99% of our regular email communications are delivered to the addresses supplied. Perhaps your employer’s security system is “flagging” messages from the Chapter as possible SPAM. Check your spam filter or quarantine folder for messages from secretary@alabama.assp.org or updates@alabama.assp.organd accept as “safe”. Contact your employer’s IT administrator for details and for any specific system or email policy questions.
Wish to change your preferred Email? – Please go to the American Society of Safety Professionals Webpage (https://www.assp.org) and login. If you have not done so before you use the Register button below the login information boxes to complete your setup. Select My Account and then Account Information. From there you will be able to update your profile preferences, including your Email address(s). Be sure to select your main e-mail, as this is the one that will be used for all communication from both the Society and the Chapter.